The Marquee 1982

The Marquee 1982

The Following Pictures were all Taken by Lee Burrows who wrote the
Life On The Road With Mantis

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino Troy, Chris Troy and Dave Potts

©1998 Lee Burrows

Dave Potts

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino and Chris Troy with Bernie Shaw on the Edge

©1998 Lee Burrows

Bernie Shaw, Tino Troy and Chris Troy

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino Troy, Chris Troy's Arm and Benrie Shaw

©1998 Lee Burrows

Steve Carroll and Jon Bavin

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino Troy and Bernie Shaw

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino and Chris Troy

©1998 Lee Burrows

Steve Carroll

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino Troy

©1998 Lee Burrows

Bernie Shaw

©1998 Lee Burrows

Steve Carroll

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino Troy, Chris Troy and Bernie Shaw

©1998 Lee Burrows

Tino Troy


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Hammer ( Compilation LP)

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