1998 Photos from Japan’s Ho-no-o Magazine

Photos from Japan’s Ho-no-o Magazine

The following pictures are from July and August 1998’s Articles on Praying
Mantis in Ho-no-o. There was an interview with Chris in July and a 20 page set
of Articles in August. If anyone reading Japanese and English would care to
translate them for me I would be extremely grateful.

July 98 - Band Shot

July Issue of Ho-no-o’s Chris Troy Interview. Picture by George Chin


Tino Troy, Bruce Bisland, Tony O’Hora, Chris Troy, Dennis Stratton

Chris Troy.

Ho-no-o Cover August 98

The Cover of Ho-no-o for August 98

Ho-no-o Cover August 98

Colour Advert for Forever In Time

August Article Lead Page

The Lead Page for the August Article

Tony O'Hora

Tony O’Hora. Picture by George Chin

Chris Troy, Tino Troy, Steve Carroll, Dave<br /> Potts

Chris Troy, Tino Troy, Steve Carroll, Dave Potts 1980?

Mark Thompson Smith, Tino Troy, Chris Troy, Bruce Bisland, Dennis Stratton

Mark Thompson Smith, Tino Troy, Chris Troy, Bruce Bisland, Dennis Stratton

Steve Carroll, Dave<br /> Potts, Chris Troy, Tino Troy

Steve Carroll, Dave Potts, Chris Troy, Tino Troy

Reading 1980? Chris Troy, Tino Troy, Steve Carroll

Reading 1980? Chris Troy, Tino Troy, Steve Carroll