Burn Review of Legacy

Burrn ! Magazine in Japan published the following review.

New album of British “ex-NWOBHM” merodic metal band, Praying Mantis, for the first time since 30th Anniversary re-recording best “Metalmorphosis(2011)”, as original album since “Sanctuary(2009)”.
It featured Jaycee Cuijpers(ex Ayreon) as new singer and Hans in t Zandt(ex Vengeance) as new drummer.
Andy Burgess(g) stay on, of course Troy brothers, Tino and Chris are active.
This album is fully featured melancholic melody as Mantis style, so the expectation of fan will not be betrayed.
“Tokyo”, which is the song about emotion for Japanese fan, is pleased.
“Here To Say” is bonus track for Japan.


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